A Nation like Nigeria cannot survive without deliberate and strategic intercession. This made intercession a fundamental in actualising this mandate of redeeming the nations through lives transformation. The intercession of the ministry covers all the Seven Mountains of the Nation. These involve the Politics, Church, Land, Economic, Youths, Education, etc
Below are over 100 prophetic prayer points for these Mountains couple with some prophetic declaration for the liberation of THE DESTITUTE, PROSTITUTES, DRUG ADDICTS AND THE STREET BOYS. You can join us in combating for the liberation of our Father’s land and for the deliverance and total transformation of these lawful captives with these prayer points.
- Father, look unto this nation Nigeria and release your breath upon every political mountain and hill standing against the advancement of this nation in Jesus name. Amen
- Pray against every death affliction programmed in the realm of the spirit for this nation, Nigeria and the Christians in particular for the remaining part of this year.
- Pray, that the Lord should close every door of affliction such as cancer and every deadly disease that have been introduce from the realm of the spirit to afflict the Pastors wives in this Nation.
- Contend against the spiritual serpent Satan has released into the Church that have bitten the Ministers and the congregation with the venom of spiritual lukewarmness and prayerlessness, to dry up and die in Jesus name.
- Father, deliver all our spiritual leaders from every form of distraction to get them off course in this their Journey of rescuing souls from the hand of the strong man, in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord cause the pilgrimage to Jerusalem to bring a positive result in the lives of the Nigeria Christians that takes part, and use them as agent of change to build your Church and transform this nation,
- Ask the Lord to open the heaven over the Nigeria Pilgrims in Jerusalem to harken to their supplication for the transformation of this Nation, Nigeria.
- Father, arise in your supremacy and fetch out from every nook and cranny of this nation and bring to book without any leniency, all the Boko Haram sects that one troubling the peace of this nation.
- Pray that God should use this Ministry to reach out and transformed Bro. U who is currently tired of his drug addicted life and he seeking for way out
- Pray against every form of distraction from the pit of hell that tends to distracting us from the vision of reaching out to transforming the outcasts in the society, for Jesus Christ, in Jesus name.
- Pray, that the Spirit of the Lord will move over Oviorie Community in Ethiope East Local Gov. of Delta State Nigeria and encounter the youth from drug addicted and occultic life style unto our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Pray for the redemption of the soul known as fresh kpomor as we strategically reach out to snatch him from the hand of the devil in Jesus name.
- Let pray that the Spirit of the Lord should pass through Uvwie Land of Delta State Nigeria, to terminate and sweep out every spirit of insanity the enemies has release from the realm of the spirit to afflict the people living in the land.
- Oh lord we arrest and bound the power and the spirit that tends to make Uvwie land of Delta State Nigeria, a dust bin to attract and sustain Lunatics in Jesus name.
- Pray, against all the local, national and informational networks of the sons of the bond women to advance their religious in this land and entire nation be shattered by fire in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord by your mercy intervenes and rolls away every marital reproach on your Ministers that have stigmatized them and the body to Christ at large in Jesus name.
- Pray that God will help the Kings and all the traditional rulers not to sell the right of their various kingdoms and communities to the sons of the bond woman in Jesus name.
- Pray that the Lord should purge the Nigerian media industry of every sexual immorality and ungodliness.
- Ask God to cause His fear to rest upon all the actors and actresses of Nollywood stars so that they can desist from their habit of nudity
- Pray that the Lord should quickly intervene in the entertainment industry in order for them to stop polluting our youth through their movies and worldly songs.
- Pray that the Lord should encounter as many dying souls in the Nollywood as he encounters Evang. Eucharia at the end time in Jesus name
- Oh Lord, arise with your mercy and save your elect and the Church from all the wolves in sheep’s clothing at this end-time in Jesus name.
- Pray that the Lord will open the spiritual eyes of His Church to be sensitive to the divine move of God at this end – time
- Ask God to re-awakening His Church to propagate His Gospels to the remaining unreached people groups in all the nations.
- Pray that the Lord should visit and pour out His breath upon the Church to take her place and function according to His will in this nation.
- Ask God to encounter these Boko Haram boys in Africa on their way to destruction just as he encountered Saul on the way to Damascus.
- Oh Lord, release by fire and brimstone upon the spirit that fight against the growth and development in Uvwie land the entire Delta State, Nigeria, in Jesus’ name.
- Pray that God should visit and encounter as many of our youths who have been initiated into occultic group in our various institutions.
- Father, visit with fire and brimstone all the occultic sects feeding on human Blood through plane crash and road accident across this nation in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, frustrate and ruin every occultic practice in our institution and equally bring to an end the reign of occultic leadership in this nation in Jesus’ name.
- Pray that the blood of Jesus Christ should nullify and destroy the powers of the daily incantation projected by the sons of the bond woman to possess the land and the nation at large.
- Father, expose and destroy by fire all the hidden altars of the sons of the bond woman in this land and the entire state in Jesus name.
- Commit Bro. Oghene T. into God’s hand, and equally pray against every personality that causes him to hate God and the things of God to be arrested in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, arise and lay hold on the Dagons (gods) in the land that are militating against the manifestation of the glory of the Church in Jesus name (Isam. 5:4).
- Father, do an awful thing in the house of the Dagons (gods) that will terrify and ignite your fear upon the priests and the worshipers in this land and the entire nation. (Isam. 5:5).
- Oh God, Cause both the spiritual and physical efforts of the idol worshipers to fortify the place of their worship in order to retain their grip in the land to be fruitless in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, Cause your Spirit to move upon the face of the land and cause every satanic altar and shrine working against the progress of the land to be consumed by fire in Jesus name.
- Father, Saturate this nation, Nigeria with the Blood of Jesus and cleans her blood guiltiness in Jesus name (Joel 3:21).
- Oh Lord weigh the evil men that works injustice in this nation in a balance and bring them to judgment in Jesus name (Dan. 5:27).
- Oh God, open the mouth of the earth of this nation to help swallow up the flood of corruption and wickedness which the devil has released upon the face of this nation in Jesus name. (Rev. 12:16).
- Oh Lord, silent those that are opposing your work and fighting against your reign in this nation in Jesus name.
- Father, release upon this nation, Nigeria the spirit of fear, remorse and genuine repentance like you did to Nineveh in Jesus name.
- Cause the death of the Boko Haram leader to bring an end to their evil perpetration in this nation, Nigeria.
- Oh Lord, expose every hideout and frustrate every effort of masterminders of the Boko Haram in this nation, Nigeria in Jesus name.
- Pray against the effort of the evil spirit working tirelessly to revive the youth restiveness and bloodshed in this land to be abortive in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, advance your Church to the height of heights of this nation and establish her in authority and dominion in Jesus name. (Micah 4:1)
- Father, arise expose and blow away the enemy of the cross and those who whose bellies are their gods from the church in Jesus name.
- Oh God, arise and provide solutions through the Church to the plight and predicament of this nation In Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, arise and paralyze the strange gods opposing the effort of the missionaries in the mission field in Jesus name.
- Father, open the heart of the Christian leaders to see the need of partnering with mission work which is the heart beat of God.
- Ask the Lord to show His kindness to this network and continue to reveal the plan of the enemy over this land and the entire nation.
- Pray for the divine grace required for this network to indeed, serve as watch men and women, and to continue to contend against the wiles of the devil over this land and the entire nation.
- Oh lords, release your invisible angelic watchers to watch over the laborers, laboring to build this nation in Jesus name (Neh. 4:9).
- Father, disappoint as many evil political leaders that the devil want to send into the place of power to thwart God’s divine purpose for this land in Jesus name.
- Father, arise and take away sleep from those evil men who siphoned the resource that belong to this nation in order to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor Nigerian welfare.
- Father, by the blood of Jesus Christ cancel and nullify all the effects of atrocities done on this land that are causing stagnation and captivity in Jesus name.
- Make a prophetic declaration against the business of prostitution and Indian hemp in this land and cause our men and ladies to be delivered form its entanglement in Jesus name.
- Declare upon all the satanic medium of adverts in this land that have pierced the heart of the youths into sexual immorality in Jesus name.
- Ask the Lord to cancel and nullify every satanic plan that might cause men and women to channel condolence visits and phone calls to you this year.
- Pray for yourself and your loved ones to be deliver form every projection of sorrow, diseases and sickness, accident, disappointment, weeping and unbearable pain the enemies has packaged for this year.
- Ask the Lord to prosper the mission of this ministry in reaching and rehabilitating the prostitutes, area boys and drug addicts in order to make them useful to the society and the body of Christ in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, cover the ministers of this ministry with the blood of Jesus against every attack and pestilence of the enemies as they reach out to the outcasts in the society in Jesus name.
- Commit Bro. Emmanuel, a drug addict convert who has just finished his rehabilitation program in this ministry and has been commissioned back to the society as agent of change into God’s hand.
- Oh Lord, loose all the field missionaries that are tied down in their various local churches and launches them to their respective field to preach the gospel to the unreached in Jesus name.
- Father, open the eyes of understanding of your church to see the urgent and important need of using their resources in supporting the mission work in the field in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, continue to recruit and equip your end-time soldiers for the furtherance of the propagation of the gospel to the whole world in Jesus name.
- Ask the Lord to cause the church to be serious in walking with Him in holiness instead of working for Him in unrighteousness.
- Pray that the lord should deliver His church from every form of ignorance and heresies that have crept into the church in this end – time in Jesus name
- Commit all the church leaders into God’s hand for the Spirit of God to rest upon them in order to lead His people in truth and righteousness.
- Pray against the evil, adulterated doctrine and worldliness that have multiplied alongside with the increase of the numbers of the Nigerian churches in Jesus name.
- Commit all the men of God and their families into God’s hand against the attack of the enemy due to their ministry in Jesus name.
- Pray that the pains, shame and agony, that our Lord Jesus suffered for our sake today should bring the church to a place of total repentance and consecration to him like never before in Jesus name.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to move in this land and arrest as many that want to pervert the purpose of Easter into worldly activities to gratify the desire of their flesh.
- Ask the Lord to go with us as a Nation throughout to achieve His divine purpose for our lives in Jesus name.
- Pray and contend against the forces of darkness that want to take advantage of this month to fill their blood bank through accidents and sicknesses.
- Oh Lord, let every natural and national disaster that have been set for this year from the pit of hell be aborted in Jesus name.
- Pray that the Lord should use our students and corpers to reach out to the unreached in their schools and locations respectivley .
- Ask the Lord to deliver this state from the power of satanic influence and cruel government in Jesus name.
- Pray that the forces responsible for driving away companies from establishing their firms in Delta State be consumed by fire in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord may this year be a year of vengeance to those political pharaohs who have vowed to enslave this state and the entire nation in Jesus name
- Pray against every Islamic spiritual and prophetic mapping designed to Islamize this state and the entire nation to be destroyed in Jesus name.
- Pray that the Lord should cause division in the Islamic sect by confusing their language in order to break their bond of unity
- Ask the Lord to remove every veil that has covered the eyes of the sons of the bond woman not to see the light of the gospel in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, cause the power that sponsors the Islamic propagation and movement over this nation and beyond to be cut off and consumed by fire in Jesus name.
- Pray that the Lord should expose and nullify the plans that the Boko Haram set have for this nation, Nigeria in this year.
- Pray that the Lord should deliver the Church from the spirit of division that has eaten up the Body of Christ from the pulpits to the congregation.
- Ask the Lord to cause the Spirit of revival to rest upon His ministers in this end time in order for them to take their place in the spirit realm
- Pray and contend against Satan and his ministers that have transformed themselves as angels of light and the ministers of the gospel with the aim of perverting the faith of the saints at this end time in Jesus name
- Ask the Lord to purge the spirit of fear due to the Boko Haram havoc from the heart of those He has called to be missionaries in the northern part of this nation in Jesus name.
- Pray that the Lord should cause this ministry to wax stronger even in the midst of adversary and to do greater exploits this year than the previous years in Jesus name.
- Ask the Lord to enlarge the coast of this ministry both spiritually, financially and numerically in Jesus name.
- Ask the Lord to raise financial partners for this ministry in order to successfully carry out her on-going rehabilitation project.
- Ask the Lord to breathe upon all the strategies and efforts of this network to take the gospel to the Prostitutes, Destitute, Area boys and Drug Addicts this year to be successful.
- Ask the Lord to arrest every spirit that is wrestling with CLEMENT, an area boy and drug addict depriving him of accepting our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Pray that the Spirit of God should raise a standard against every movement of Cultism and immorality operating in the secondary schools and tertiary institutions in Jesus Name
- Pray that the fear of God should saturate and overwhelm the heart of our youths in this end time in Jesus name.
- Ask the Lord to release the spirit of divine transformation upon all the Prostitute, Drug Addict and area Boys converts that are currently going through rehabilitation in this ministry right now.
- Ask the Lord to look upon this nation Nigeria with mercy and raise Joseph and Moses that will deliver her from every enslavement in any form in Jesus name
- Command all the closed nations against the missionaries most especially the Arab world to be open in order for the gospel to penetrate and dominate in Jesus name.
- Let pray that God who raised nationalist for the building of the Jerusalem wall, should recruit men and women who are nationally minded, not those with their selfish ethnic agenda to be representative at the upcoming national conference.
- Father, look unto this nation Nigeria and release your breath upon every political mountain and hills standing against the advancement of this nation in Jesus name. Amen
- Pray against every death affliction programmed in the realm of the spirit for this nation, Nigeria and the Christians in particular for the remaining part of this year.
- Pray, that the Lord should close every door of affliction such as cancer and every deadly disease that have been introduce from the realm of the spirit to afflict the Pastors wives in this Nation.
- Contend against the spiritual serpent Satan has released into the Church that have bitten the Ministers and the congregation with the venom of spiritual lukewarmness and prayerlessness, to dry up and die in Jesus name.
- Father, deliver all our spiritual leaders from every form of distraction to get them off course in this their Journey of rescuing souls from the hand of the strong man, in Jesus name.